Wednesday, November 13, 2013

They Got You

Advertisement. There is so much I could say to this picture and the meaning of it to me. I think that advertisement has become a huge part of our culture. We have become accustomed to being run by people, there is not a lot of people who don't have any type of opinion because they chose to go with what everyone else is saying. I cant say I blame people because that's what we have become, followers. Our generation is full of "hype-beast" and just materialistic junkies that we don't have much to say about anything. I do think they have shaped us in a way that has just become natural to us. I don't feel like we think its something wrong, we simply just go with it. Who really knows what a holiday stands for anymore. Christmas is what it is because everyone puts Santa in their windows when it means so much more then that. Romance has become a huge materialistic term, we aren't satisfied with a nice gesture anymore or kind comment. Its what's in mans wallet and what they have in the miniature suede box. I cant say that its all necessarily their fault because we let it happen. Advertisement is so sneaky I bet your seeing some right now, be careful they are out to get you too! 

1 comment:

  1. I liked this post a lot and agreed with all of it. I mostly agree that love has become so materialistic.
