Wednesday, November 13, 2013

They Got You

Advertisement. There is so much I could say to this picture and the meaning of it to me. I think that advertisement has become a huge part of our culture. We have become accustomed to being run by people, there is not a lot of people who don't have any type of opinion because they chose to go with what everyone else is saying. I cant say I blame people because that's what we have become, followers. Our generation is full of "hype-beast" and just materialistic junkies that we don't have much to say about anything. I do think they have shaped us in a way that has just become natural to us. I don't feel like we think its something wrong, we simply just go with it. Who really knows what a holiday stands for anymore. Christmas is what it is because everyone puts Santa in their windows when it means so much more then that. Romance has become a huge materialistic term, we aren't satisfied with a nice gesture anymore or kind comment. Its what's in mans wallet and what they have in the miniature suede box. I cant say that its all necessarily their fault because we let it happen. Advertisement is so sneaky I bet your seeing some right now, be careful they are out to get you too! 

Reasons For My Success

Success is every ones goal, every ones "dream" but for me it has become my life. I have reached a point where sky is the limit. there is no looking back. I do this because i want to be the best i can be. I don't do it only for myself though i do it for these people as well. Read on and see who matters most to me. 

This women here is the most precious person in my life, My mother. She has always told me that I am going to be so special, that I am going to be the best. She has believed in me since day one. She is one of the major reasons I have continued on track and have tried to do the best I can. I don't know what I would do without her. She is the most beautiful person I have met and she is one the reasons for my success. 
Another big reason I have made my life all about success is because of my siblings. My siblings have had a very hard time in their lives and what they want most for me is to not make the mistakes they made. They have pushed me so hard to be the best I can be. They always make sure I know that they will be here for me "the baby" whenever I need them. They are an amazing support group and I know they will always be rooting for me. I love them so much and I do what I do to help them when they are in need. 
My friends have made a huge impact on my life. They have helped me in all my times of need. They have helped me understand why I need to be so successful. They have always encouraged me to be the person I have always wanted to be. I could never ask for better friends. They have been with me in my ups and downs, they will definitely be there when I reach my success. 

My cousin Vanessa has been a blessing in my life. She has brought God in my life and she helped me realize how beautiful life is with Him in it. She believes that He is going to do beautiful things with me and my life. She has really helped me get where I am today. By showing me God Vanessa has helped me get closer and closer to my success.

Angelina Marie is my beautiful niece. Angelina was my first niece and I helped my sister raise her and still am. I have made Angelina an extremely big part of my life. Angelina is like a daughter to me and I plan on teaching her the ways of life. I would never want to give her a bad example. I want to be Angelina's role model and I want her to know that it takes hard work to be successful but in the end there is always something at the finish line.